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How cats show you they love you

Updated: May 8, 2021

Cats are wonderful creatures, no matter how "toxic" people make them out to be. This is one thing about cats that I cannot stand: their ability to use me for their own personal benefit.

If you have a cat and want to know how cats show you that they love you, the answer is pretty simple.

See, their love comes from your love. So if you show your cat love, it will show back up in the form of lots of love. And the best way to show them how much you love them is to start petting them while you are engaged in a loving conversation with them. So how do you know when your cat is showing signs of affection?

Well, there are actually several things that you can watch for. First off, do they lick you when you pet them? If they do, then they are feeling particularly close to you and would like to show you that they love you. If your cat tries to protect you by licking you, then this is another great sign. They want you to notice them so that they can feel more secure in your presence. Cats also tend to purr when they want something, which is another sign that they love you. Purring is actually very therapeutic for cats and humans alike. When you are sitting on the couch or the bed, and they want to sit next to you, they will reach out and stroke your arm or sit on your lap. This is also a very common way how cats show you that they love you. It is a very comforting and intimate gesture. You can even try to pet them and they will purr back at you. Does your cat lick you with their tongue?

This is another very common way of how cats show you that they love you. You don't need a lick of their hand to show you they love you, just pat them on the head or stroke their head as well. If your cat loves to be stroked or petted in this fashion, then they probably do feel close to you. How cats show you that they love you go along with the other behaviors listed above. There are many other ways that cats show you that they love you, but these are the most common ways that they do it. Remember, that cats are very different from dogs in almost every way, and there are no rules associated with their behavior. With that being said, they can still be your best friend if you just learn to deal with them properly.

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